Lavendla Academy DK
Vi uddanner en ny generation af begravelsesrådgivere.
Vores Academy
På Lavendla Academy-uddannelsen får du en dybere viden om begravelsesbranchen og det at være bedemand/begravelsesrådgiver. Du lærer også, hvordan man projektstyrer en begravelse og vigtigst af alt: Hvordan man hjælper folk i sorg. Lad os vokse sammen- det bliver endnu mere givende på den måde.
Bliv begravelsesrådgiver
Vores medarbejdere
We proudly call ourselves “Lavendlas”. We exist to help people. Together we want to simplify and make it easier for them.
Our Values
It all starts with what you need. We provide you with help depending on your situation and your wishes. That could mean a lot of support or just a little, you choose and we adapt. We then use our combined experience and knowledge to help you create the funeral you want.
We are passionate about challenging the traditional ways of thinking about and carrying out funerals. One of our signatures is that we are transparent about what we offer. As a customer, you can expect a clear and open dialogue.
We are driven by the desire to find creative solutions to your wishes – we love that challenge. It truly is a great motivation to us, seeing new opportunities and helping you realize them. What we do is our passion. That’s why we want to exceed expectations every time.